SEO Snapshot


Skyrocket to #1 in Google with Hidden Algorithm Data, Google Doesn’t Want you to See!

And now – we want to let YOU sell this software as your own, and keep 100% of the profits for yourself!

Full Demo and Buy

Mark Thompson and Matt Callen here – and you’re probably thinking we’re CRAZY for doing this….

Throughout our years in online marketing, we’ve realized this one undeniable truth: the real profits are made from selling digital products online.

Sure, you can sell just about anything on your website, but the problem with marketing a physical product has to do with the overhead costs involved. I’m a believer in selling eBooks, videos, online courses and seminars, etc., for the simple fact that these products only need to be created once – yet they can be sold a thousand times!

Therein lies the fortune to be found in online marketing.

However, many marketers, like you and I, have discovered the massive profit potential involved with selling software and apps. But all too often many have found themselves in a bit of an oddly difficult spot….

  • It’s rather obvious that the software business is booming and is still projected to grow, especially since the prices of web-accessible devices are projected to fall.

But… there’s a problem: while the overhead costs once the app is developed are practically nothing, the upfront costs present a massive obstacle. Sure, you can sell the app a thousand times, but developing one that’s useable, helpful, and marketable is extremely expensive.


  • Unless you know how to develop software, you’ll have
    to figure out what kind of app people will want to buy,
    and then you’ll need to hire a developer (or an entire
    team, depending on the scope of the project.)
  • After that comes the 8-12 weeks it takes to develop
    an app if it’s a smaller project -and up to a year if
    it’s a major app with lots of complex functions.
  • Once that’s done, it’s got to be tested, the bugs have to
    be worked out (because there are always bugs), and
    its graphical interface has to be functional.
  • Then comes the legal side of the project, which
    means that you’ve got to hire an attorney that
    specializes in copyright law
  • Once that’s all finished, you can finally launch your
    campaign.  BUT, as you’re probably well aware, this
    will cost you more time, energy, and of course…
    additional dollars.

    Today is your chance to bypass
    the development phase and see instant,
    100% profits…

    So don’t even worry about starting from square-one…

    …or paying thousands, out-of-pocket, for a software design team. Why?

    We’ve taken the hardest, most expensive part out of your way, and already developed one of THE most comprehensive, user-friendly, powerful, and cost-effective SEO apps on the market for YOU to resell.

    And this white label beauty can be all yours…

    …That’s correct: you won’t have to run a single test or add one measly line of program software coding because we’ve already taken care of it for you!

    I want to allow you to bypass all that hassle and start profiting TODAY from an amazing app!

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